Recently I Read
In the past couple of weeks I’ve taken a deep dive into the Ronan Farrow’s world and his investigation of Harvey Weinstein and NBC via his book Catch and Kill AND his Catch and Kill Podcast. It’s fascination to read about the far reaching cover-ups that took place in the entertainment industry and the lengths and money that were used to silence women for decades. Thanks to Ronan finally breaking the story in The New Yorker Magazine, many women came forward and joined the #metoo movement. I highly recommend both the book and the podcast. Ronan’s Instagram (@ronanfarrow) is also full of interviews - so check that out too!
As for the web…here are my latest reco’s;
But don’t let go of anything - YET. (Major hint about my upcoming ‘project’ here).
Take a look through your jewellery box and see if you own any of these already.
Have you read any amazing books lately? What’s on your list for 2020?