All in Health & Wellness

It's Souper Time!

I don’t know about your Instagram feed…but mine is crammed full of suggested posts about food. Truth be told, it has sucked me right in. I’m not a great cook, heck I’m hardly a good cook and I attribute it to the fact that…

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Meet the New Year, Same as the Old Year

Happy New Year!

Is there a statute of limitations as to how long you can wish someone a Happy New Year in January. I’m suggesting it’s until the third week of the month, so I’m sending you all my good new year wishes. Although it’s not really feeling all that good yet is it?

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Holiday Gift Guide ~ Day Four - Wakey Wakey

Sometimes I think this gift guide is actually just the top twenty four things I really want for Christmas. :)

Now that you’ve had a wonderful night’s sleep on your slik pillowcase (day three) it’s time for a gradual and graceful morning wakeup. This is assuming of course that you don’t have any babies in the house. In that case you need to come back to this gift in fifteen years or so.