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Baby Steps to a Plastic Free February...and Beyond

Baby Steps to a Plastic Free February...and Beyond

Image from @pureosophy

Image from @pureosophy

As I sit down to write this I’m peeling the top off of a single use plastic package of hummus…(insert eye roll here) to eat with my Mary’s crackers. This was the internal dilemma I faced when I was recently asked to join the Facebook group Plastic Free February; how am I ever going to give up all the little conveniences in my life that are conveniently wrapped in plastic? Because that’s what a lot of the plastic that we use everyday is, small things that make our lives easier. Individual plastic cups, plastic cutlery, plastic take out containers, plastic food wrap, plastic produce bags, plastic storage bags, plastic lids on coffee cups, and the list goes on and on. So with thoughts of all these items swirling around in my head, how would I be able to give them up for a month? And possibly forever! I can’t…I’ll admit that, but what I can do is make a concerted effort to cut down on their use, and put some thought into the regular use of sustainable alternatives. Sustainable for the planet and sustainable for me. The best way for me (and you) to start any major change (and giving up or cutting down on plastic is major) is by taking baby steps.

Many of us having been taking baby steps in going plastic free for awhile now. We take our reusable grocery bags when we go shopping, a reusable coffee ‘traveller’ lives in our car for our trips to Starbucks and Tim’s, and we no longer send our kids to school with lunches in plastic bags. But there are other great ways to reduce the amount of plastic we use everyday, and the good news is…they’re simple. Here’s what I’ll be incorporating into my Plastic Free February:

Abeego Food Wrap

Image from @abeego

Image from @abeego

I’m actually better at being plastic free than I thought. I’ve been using Abeego beeswax food wrap for a couple of years. I first discovered it at the One of a Kind show. There is always a line up at their booth and they run a brisk business. I use the sheets of beeswax wrap for cheese - but not for all my cheese, so I’m willing to step it up. BUT first off, you need to stop buying your cheese in the grocery store and visit a cheese shop where they will more than likely wrap in paper for you, or even in your Abeego if you bring it along. Abeego isn’t just for cheese though, this is serious multi-purpose wrap. When you would normally cover a bowl of leftovers after dinner with plastic wrap - replace with beeswax wrap. The warmth of your hands helps to mould the wrap to your bowl. Use it to keep your greens fresh in your crisper - or even wrap up a baguette for freshness. Abeego washes up easily in cold water with a biodegrade dish soap. You will have to make a small investment of several pieces at first, but I assure you it will be well worth it. Their Instagram @abeego and their website are both full of great ways to use the wrap. Order Abeego online, buy at Peaches & Green on Bayview or from their fabulous new online store, or check out the website for more retailers.

Dans Le Sac

Image from @dans_le_sac

Image from @dans_le_sac

I spied Dans Le Sac reusable produce and bread bags when I was at Peaches & Green conducting an interview for an upcoming issue of Leaside Life. I’d seen some other reusable produce bag options, but Dans Le Sac caught my eye because they’re quite possibly the chicest reusable bags ever. If you know me…you know that I would look for the cutest greenest option. They also have an amazing bread bag available in their Zero Waste Package. I’d been humming and hawing over the plastic packaging at Cobs and this bag solved the problem. It’s perfect for my loaf of high fibre white. The Zero Waste Package also comes with two bulk large bags and a bulk small bag. Using reusable produce bags will keep you on your toes at the grocery too. Remember to help out the cashier by removing your produce, letting them weigh it and then putting it back in your bag. Some produce doesn’t even actually require a bag, think broccoli, lettuce, avocados - so be mindful of that as well. If Dans Le Sac aren’t your style and you want to buy a large set of produce bags at a good price Amazon has pages of great options. Fair waring - they don’t look like Dans Le Sac. ;)

Colibri Canada Snack Bags

Image from @colibri

Image from @colibri

True confession time: I love plastic storage bags in all sizes, especially the ones with the slide closure at the top. When I travel I use several for makeup, toiletries, accessories and a couple of extra tossed in my carry on for dirty laundry. So giving these up is going to be difficult. Luckily, Colibri Canada (out of Manitoba) makes the cutest reusable snack (or accessory) bags ever. These bags are multi purpose for food, perfect for your kids (or your own) lunch box and come in amazing fabrics - they’re too sweet not to use. They also offer a ‘wet bag’ that perfect for toiletries, essential oils or anything that might leak or drip. Once again, you can find a nice selection of these bags at Peaches & Green or you can order direct from their website. Colibri also offer a school fundraising program which is a win/win for you and your school.

Radius Source Toothbrush

Image from madebyradius.com

Image from madebyradius.com

Did you know that 4.7 BILLION toothbrushes are dumped into the ocean and landfill worldwide each year? That’s an astounding figure and it really gave me cause to stop and think about how I clean my teeth. We’re all accustomed to taking the free toothbrush after each cleaning visit with our dentist, but what if we passed on the ‘loot bag’ and instead went with a sustainable toothbrush option. While my first thought was a bamboo toothbrush, after all I have heard this is a sustainable and affordable option, but most important - is it effective? After a conversation with Elizabeth Ronan the manager of Peaches & Green (and the expert on all things wellness related IMO) I’m thinking maybe not. Elizabeth has done the research and has found that the bamboo toothbrush doesn’t provide effective enough cleaning, so it’s not worth the risk when oral heath is so important to our overall health. Peaches & Green instead carries the Source Toothbrush by Radius. The replaceable head is made with recyclable BPA free bioplastic made from “renewable biomass sources (like vegetable oils and timber), agricultural byproducts, or even recycled plastic.” I know we’re trying to go plastic free here, but our heath matters too and frankly - not all plastics are bad. We need some plastics in our life, we just have to be super careful of the ones that touch our food and our mouths. The handsome handle of the Source brush is “composed of repurposed and recycled materials — like wood, paper and even recycled dollar bills — for a beautiful, natural look and feel.” Dollar bills? Sign me up! I think the Source Toothbrush is a great alternative to our go-to Oral B brush. Get your’s at Peaches & Green.

Glass Sipper Drinking Straws

Image from @glasssipper

Image from @glasssipper

By now we should all be on the ‘ban the plastic straw’ bandwagon. If you’re not…jump on it now. Straws are easy to give up - but I do love a straw with a smoothie or veggie drink. So what to do? While stainless steel straws are a good option, for some reason I don’t like the feel of them in my mouth. Totally a personal thing, but I did need to source an alternative. Last Fall at the One of a Kind Show (again, I always find unique and useful things there) I discovered Glass Slipper Drinking Straws. Made in BC, these glass straws are a fun and sustainable alternative to plastic. I love the cute designs - all made by hand. Glass Sippers come in four different widths - because a milkshake straw needs to be bigger than a soft drink straw, and three lengths. They are made with a bend or without - which is really just a personal preference. I also like that you can see through the glass - this makes for more effective cleaning. Glass Sippers are available at the Evergreen Market at the Brickworks, or order online.

While these are just a few ways to start living ‘plastic free’ - they are all pretty easy and sustainable, which is a great way to start. Do you have any other fab ‘plastic free’ finds? Shoot me an email and maybe I’ll share them in another post.





Saying I Love You...

Saying I Love You...

Currently Using...In The Shower

Currently Using...In The Shower