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31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Four

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Four

Day Four - My Earliest Childhood Memory

When I was looking through the list of topics I would have to write about for the 31 Day Blog Challenge, some of them scared me (because frankly I wasn't sure what the heck I would write) while others excited me...because I felt confident that I would have something interesting to say. Well Day four is one of the good days! I remember my earliest childhood memory like it was yesterday, except it was forty-four years ago. 

I mentioned in my 20 Things About Me post that I had 3 older brothers. What I didn't mention is that my oldest brother (first born) is fourteen years older than me. So when I was but a wee baby girl of three years old, my brother (seventeen) brought home his 'first' girlfriend.  This was a big deal in our house. R was bringing home L to meet the family. I distinctly remember them sitting on the couch in the living room. She must have been so nervous to meet our crazy brood. Here's when the memory gets very distinct, even though it's only a flash.  It was after dinner and my mother had given me a bottle of tea - well more milk than than actual tea, but still - there were no qualms in my fam about giving the three year old caffeine. Bet they all regret that now! Anyway, I remember peeking into the living room from the kitchen with the nipple of the bottle firmly between my teeth, bottle dangling from my mouth. (Remember when your kids did that)? Clear as day I recall thinking how pretty she was, this new girl in our home. I bet her sweater matched her socks that day as they did for many years after that, well another forty-four years to be exact. Yes, that's right! R and L got married and they're still very much together and as in love as they were on that first day she came to our home and into our lives. 

I feel very lucky that I have such a positive first memory and that L is part of it.  She's not like a sister in law at all, in fact she's a sister, and at many times in my life she's had to step in as a mother for me. For that I'll be forever grateful. 

Til tomorrow...


31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Five

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Five

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Three

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Three