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31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Twenty Seven

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Twenty Seven

Day Twenty Seven - What make me feel better, always!

I grew up being afraid of dogs. Then again I grew up during a time when dogs seemed to just roam freely on the streets. At least they in my neighbourhood. There always seed to be a 'roamer' on my walk to school. I'd have to cross the street, take another route for fear of being bitten. And most of these 'roamers' weren't of the fluffy doodle variety we see today. As my memory serves they were big meanie's like the one who grabbed my bag of bread as I was strolling home from the variety store at the corner of Greenwood and Ivy. He just snatched it right out of my hand!  I don't remember if I was more afraid of the dog, or the reaction my mother would have when I came home without the bread. "A dog grabbed it Mom...seriously."  I think I had a jug of milk in the other hand. Those 2 or 3 litre jugs were heavy for a little girl. I may have briefly considered ditching it and running...but the dog seemed happy enough with his bread conquest. Fast forward 30+ years when Shadow came into my life. I didn't necessarily want a dog but my littlest did, so after a couple of months of research we decided on a Portuguese Water Dog from a kennel just outside of Peterborough. A non sheding breed was necessary because of allergies and there was already one of this variety in the neighbourhood whom I had fallen in love with.   When the littler was born, my oldest chose Boy Dog B, but we changed his name to Shadow. After plucking him out of his home and away from his mother (who sniffed me up and down before leaving) - he arrived at his new home, with his new family.  I fell in love with him instantly (quicker than I fell in love with my babies) and strangely he fell in love with me. I became his new Mama. 

Shadow is almost six years old now and he's still the love of our family. A dogs love is truly unconditional and he's always right there with me when I'm feeling down, hurt or sick. It's like he just knows - and his love always makes me feel better.  

Oh...shopping makes me feel better too! :)

Let's catch up again tomorrow. Have a fabulous Saturday!


31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Twenty Eight

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Twenty Eight

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Twenty Six

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Twenty Six