Fine Print
I started wearing reading glasses (aka 'readers') about a year and a half ago. I was looking at a bottle of Advil or some other drug, and I realized that I couldn't read the fine print. Really...I thought to myself? I'd never had a problem with my eyes. But then I realized that I was struggling to see the small print in novels and I had to hold the menu arms length in a restaurant to see what I was going to order. Hello - embarrassing! So I trotted off to the optometrist for a check up. He came to the conclusion pretty quickly that I should be wearing glasses and probably should have been for the past FIVE years! Yikes. . My prescription was for a +2.50. He said I could go and buy an inexpensive pair of readers, but strongly advised I should get propers pair fitted and made by an opthamologist. I took his advice and picked fabulous frames at Eye Studio on Mount Pleasant here in Toronto. Soon after I started wearing them...and seeing the fine print again, I realized that I needed a 'purse pair' of readers. A pair that would live in my purse so I didn't have to go searching the house for my glasses when I went out. But I wasn't going to succumb to the cheapies the Dollar Store, and it was far too decadent to have two 'real' pairs. So, luckily I've discovered two awesome brands of readers that a perfect for you purse...and the fine print.
Peppers brand Center Stage style (below) were featured on Oprah's Favourite Things list for 2016. See, even Oprah needs purse glasses. They are a funky thick frame that I absolutely adore. The best part about Peepers is they only cost $22.00 USD - seriously! (Plus $8.99 shipping to Canada...sorry). At that price you could put them in every purse. If you happen to be in Niagara - Shannon Passero carries them in her fabulous store The Post Office.
Oprah's fave Peepers.
Coffee Shop
Sticks & Stones
The other fab part about Peepers is that they make sunglasses so you can read outside. I love these and wish I had figured this out before my trip.
Off the Charts Reading Sunglasses
Just recently (as in a couple of days ago) I discovered Scojo readers - available online and at Jacaranda Tree in Toronto. These glasses are a little more expensive, but are a premium brand reader. There are many terrific styles to choose from and they come with a hard shell case so they won't get broken in your purse.
Prince Street
Scojo Gels come in a wide variety of colours if you prefer a lighter frame.
Super cute for channeling your inner Harry Potter!