

Hope you'll stick around for a bit! If you like what you see here...be sure to visit me on my Instagram @vicki_hall_

Recently I Read...

Recently I Read...

There's something so wrong, yet so right about sitting on a beach with your computer. Hey, if you have work to do...or just want to do some reading -  just do it, who cares what people think.   Of course being summertime, I (we)  should be taking time away from our screens...but alas, there's always so much good (in a bad way) shit floating around on Facebook, that sometimes I just can't drag myself away. You know you're guilty of it too. Scrolling and scrolling til ya can't scroll no more. Here are some of the the goodies I've scrolled by this week. And as usual, you're welcome! :)

1. I love wedges - of any kind!

2. I'm still guilty of this...even though I'm barley out of my teens. ;)

3. Walk away from these people. I have and my life is so much better for it. 

4. If you work your way through this list - I'll give you prize. Kidding...

5. I bet they plague you too!

Above photo from Gypsy Luster.

Lil' White Sneakers (With your Dress)

Lil' White Sneakers (With your Dress)

Oh Canada!

Oh Canada!