

Hope you'll stick around for a bit! If you like what you see here...be sure to visit me on my Instagram @vicki_hall_

Recently I Read...

Recently I Read...

There's so much information floating around the internet, some of it useful and some it...well, not so much. I can admit that I often get sucked  into the vortex of useless information out there. So here is some of the the useless and useful info I've been checking out lately. 

1. His buildings in downtown Toronto are among my favourites. 

2. I've already had this discussion on my FB page, but just in case you didn't see it...weigh in here! 

3. Photo looks gross, but I love the process and feel amazing afterward - and no, you can't have my contact! 

4. Figure skating geeks..we have a new hero! Hint: it's not Virtue and Moir!

5. Currently working my way through this list, but they've left a couple of really good one's off. I'll have to write about them! 

Hope you have a very happy Family Day! 


P.S. Told you I was easing slowly back into this...

Current mood...vacation!

Current mood...vacation!

Creeping Back

Creeping Back