

Hope you'll stick around for a bit! If you like what you see here...be sure to visit me on my Instagram @vicki_hall_

Creeping Back

Creeping Back

So...it's been awhile, eh? 

At the end of December I decided to take some time off from Glimmer and it's associated social media. I was beginning to feel a little overexposed and frankly over myself. Yes that's right - over myself. The thought of taking another selfie, or anyone taking another photo of me was just not sitting well at all. It's not easy putting yourself out there in front of the world, especially when you're no longer in your twenties or thirties (even with filters!). It was the right time to take a break and pull back my privacy. I like the fact that I'm able to control what and how much I put out into the world and I took advantage of it of not having to answer to anyone. 

So now it feels right to slowly dip my toes back into Glimmer.  And by slowly I mean really slowly and only when I feel I have something interesting and helpful to share. 

If you're reading this right now...thanks for sticking with me, cuz there's still a little Glimmer left in me. 


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