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SHE SHOPS SWAP - What to Swap

SHE SHOPS SWAP - What to Swap

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Have you been standing in front of your closet wondering if you actually have anything to swap? This has been one of my most common comments since I launched She Shops Swap. “I don’t think I have anything in my closet to swap!” And while this might be true for some, it’s likely not the case for most women. So I’ve put together three very simple guidelines on deciding what is swappable from inside your closet.

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Does it still have tags?

If you have clothing (or accessories for that matter) in your closet that still have tags on them…swap them. If you haven’t taken the tags off yet - it’s likely that you won’t and will never wear it or use it. It’s not embarrassing to bring in items with tags…we all have things we buy that we just never wore. For me, it’s usually because I didn’t try it on in the store and then I bring it home, try it on, decide I don’t like it and never return it. Wasteful…yes! I will not be buying clothes without trying them on before leaving the store again…pinky swear.

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Do you have a duplicate or two…or three?

How many chambray shirts does a girl really need? Well if you asked my closet it would tell you three. Three chambray shirts, three long sleeve nautical stripe tee’s, three red plaid shirts (only two shown above). Sheesh…it sounds like a Christmas carol. Ugh - too many duplicates. Pick your favourite and swap the rest…or at least one of them to start. And if you already have a white shirt in your closet…you don’t need to buy another one.


Haven’t worn it in over a year!

If you haven’t worn something in your closet in whole year - it’s definitely time to let it go because chances are, you’re not going to wear it again. People hang on to clothes for many reasons, and it can be really great to love a sweater or shirt because you wore it somewhere special or it holds a special memory for you. But ask yourself a question; if I bumped into my high school crush on the street (assuming you didn’t marry him - I know you’re out there girls), would I want to be wearing this? If you’ve already had it for a year…the answer is probably no. Swap it!

Hope to see you soon!

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