

Hope you'll stick around for a bit! If you like what you see here...be sure to visit me on my Instagram @vicki_hall_

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Eight

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Eight

Day Eight - Post an old photo of  you.

Remberber people - it was the 70's and I was in junior kindergarten. But hey, at least you get a look at my natural hair colour before this started:

Oh Em Gee!!!! There is so much wrong with this photo on so many levels, I don't even know where to being. So let's just begin with the obvious...WTF ORANGE HAIR! Not just the colour, it's the teased and sprayed bangs. Those bangs did not move. What you can't see is the pony tail that's wrapped up in a piece of leather. Edgy...right?  And those whisps I pulled out from the sides...fancy. Moving on to my pink and grey eye makeup, because it had to match my grey shirt with the shoulder pads that I used to slip under my bra to hold in place. I'm sure my sister pulled them out of one of her blazers for me. ;) And of course the big hoops in my ears - the bigger the earrings, the better.  I will give myself one thing...nice clear skin!  Thank you 1988. 

Hope this gave you little laugh today.

Til tomorrow...


31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Nine

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Nine

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Seven

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Seven