

Hope you'll stick around for a bit! If you like what you see here...be sure to visit me on my Instagram @vicki_hall_

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Thirty One

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Thirty One

Day Thirty One - Weird Quirk of Mine

I have no clue - I don't think I have any quirks at all. I can't raise one eyebrow (wish I could do that), I don't whistle through my day or through my nose, I'm not double jointed anywhere - all of my joints are perfectly fine.  Wait...I've noticed that play with my hair WAY too much on my Instastory, which means I probably do it in real life too, but only since I started wearing my hair down. Time to go back to the ponytail! Or maybe I should get myself a fidget spinner...would that help?

And that my friends is all she wrote! Thirty One Days...done and dusted. 

Now on to the mushy stuff...

Somewhere around Day Seven I wondered to my self, "will this ever end, is anyone getting sick of this yet, does anyone even care?" You know, all the crazy little questioning yourself voices that go flying through your head? But I resolved not to give up and to keep writing, not paying any attention to the negativity swirling about.. Then the support started rolling in. Comments on my personal and Glimmer's FB page, texts, emails, comments on the blog. I was even stopped a couple of times at the grocery store (by people I knew) and congratulated for my great work and bravery. So my head started to spin a little - and grow a bit...and then the craziest thing started to happen. I started believing in myself and my ability as a writer (OMG - did I just call myself that?) and maybe (crazy thought) as a story teller. I started believing in the power of Glimmer and the message I want to send....my message - if you want something - go get it, because nobody is going to bring it to you. So maybe one day you will see a little Glimmer boutique, or something Glimmer related anyway. From these last thirty one days I've proven to myself (the only person I have to prove anything to) that I can do it.  I can do whatever I want, and that my friends is a very powerful thought!

I'm not even sure I can convey thanks to everyone who read this blog over the past thirty one days. Over 2000 individuals hit Glimmer over 4000 times in the past month. Considering I only have 481 Facebook friends, (down one since Day Two) I'm perplexed as to where the others came from - but it definitely thrills me. Incidentally Day Two was the most popular of all the posts - Twenty Things About Me, with Day Twenty One -Something I Miss  coming in a close second. 

My work now includes trying to parlay all of this past month's success into a blog that you want to keep coming back to. It may mean tweaking my mission a little. And as much as I want to take the next thirty one days off...I realize that while you're feeling hot - you had better capitalize on it. So I'll take the weekend off for a little retreat and then I'll be back at it. More beauty, fashion (two more fabulous posts featuring Shannon Passero style) and lifestyle - Glimmer Life, for you! 

From the bottom of my heart...I sending you so much love, because my cup is full! 



P.S. A special thank you to all of the individuals who "liked" or "loved" my posts on FB. If you know anything about the FB algorithm...you will know that this was like gold. :)

Simplicity - From Shannon Passero {Part Two}

Simplicity - From Shannon Passero {Part Two}

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Thirty

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Thirty