

Hope you'll stick around for a bit! If you like what you see here...be sure to visit me on my Instagram @vicki_hall_

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Ten

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Ten

Day Ten - First Celebrity Crush

BAE - Before Anyone Else

Second from the right!  My Bae. That my friends, in case you don't remember is Les McKeown - my Bay City Roller of choice. Look....he's looking right at me - 'hey Vicki, hey.' My sister's boyfriend was Derek Longmuir, first on the left. WE LOVED THE BAY CITY ROLLERS! Two entire walls of our bedroom were covered in their photos, which were carefully torn from the pages of 17 Magazine. These boys were the original boy band. Just look at Woody at the end (red pants) playing with his zipper. How could a teenage girl resist them resist them?  

And my favourite...I Only Want To Be With You!

Til tomorrow...you're welcome! 



31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Eleven

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Eleven

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Nine

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Nine