31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Eleven
Day Eleven - Most proud moment.
I'm having a really hard time with this one because most, if not all of my proudest moments are connected to the success that my children have had. Not that I think this is a bad thing, but I think that those should be their proud moments, and that you shouldn't necessarily feel proud or successful on the coat tails of your kids. But, as we know many parents do derive their own happiness and pride from the accomplishments of their kids. So while my most proud moment does involve one of my children, it's more about something I did to help him get to where he is today. So here's 'our' story.
My first born son was diagnosed with Anaphylaxis (life threatening allergies) when he was ten months old. He had horrific colic and was covered in eczema from about six weeks of age. He was a difficult baby because he was suffering. His official diagnosis at the time was "allergic to milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts." This was a lot to take, but he was a baby so I switched him to a hypoallergenic formula and he gradually got better. Food introduction was challenging and in turn he has a very limited palette. We had to practice strict avoidance to all of the above mentioned foods. In addition to those foods, I kept him away from any other allergens that might be related - so, seeds including mustard and legumes. Good thing I did because he is in fact also allergic to those things. Call it mama's intuition right? I tried very hard not to let the anaphylaxis run his life - or ours. I always made a point of telling him (especially when travelling) that it's about the experience and not about the food. Meanwhile, we all know that anything social is totally about the food. I mean who's kidding who here, right? But for him, it couldn't be because often there was just nothing that he could eat. Imagine how terrified I was when I had to send him to camp at twelve and didn't have control over the food. Well that's a little white lie, because his first year I sent a ton of his food which was very graciously prepared for him and then in subsequent years he's moved on to their specially prepared food. Now "Chef" knows him, so it makes it easier. Last year he even when on a week long canoe trip through Algonquin Park. I was a complete freak for the entire week worrying about him. He came back totally fine...of course he prepared all his own food, so he knew exactly what he was eating. Well just last month he went off to Louisville Kentucky (without his mama) for a school trip. He was attending the World Robotics Championships. I wanted to go, just to be around to help him out in restaurants. Now, for the recored - he's sixteen so he shouldn't need my help, but I get scared. and I just want to be near him. Before he got on the bus I hugged him tight and said "please be careful, you know how to order and what questions to ask...right?" He replied "Mom, of course I know. You've taught me everything I need to know." Excuse me as I type through tears, but I did it. I taught him how to live in a world full of foods that could kill him. Day by day, week by week and year by year - I slowly taught him. Now he was on his own feeling confident because of me. I have never felt so much pride for him - and for myself in my life.
Til Friday my friends...
P.S. I'm also really freakin' proud that I've made it to Day Eleven. As my friend K said "they don't call it a 'challenge' for nothing!