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Glimmer's Gift Guide - Day Twenty Five

The Gift of Time - Priceless

Day Twenty Five isn't something you can go out to a store a buy. Thanks goodness right,  because you only have eight hours or so!  Today is about giving the most important thing you can ever give anyone...your time. We often think we have "all the time in the world" but truly we don't. Sadly, so many of my friends have lost loved ones this year. I bet they wish they could have had more time. We rush around life, whether it's at the holidays or throughout the year complaining that we 'need more time.' I know I do.  But my wish for you this holiday is for you to slow down and take your time, give your time, treasure your time. Call a friend or a family member that you haven't seen in awhile and invite them for coffee. You're gifting your time. Play a game, read a story or go to a movie with your child even if you're completely spent - and especially if your child is a teenager. They won't forget your time. Go visit your parents if you're lucky enough to still have them. They need your time. Sometimes a little time is all it takes to makes someones day.

I want to thank everyone who gave me their time this year. What Glimmer is most to me is a labour of love, and anyone who took the time to read a post, or send an email, or sit down and offer their wisdom about this fledgling blog of mine, is giving me the best gift ever...their time. 

So much love to you this holiday season. Now I'm going to take a little time for myself. See you at some point in the New Year!

