Glimmer's Gift Guide - Day Eighteen
Hat Trick Pom Pom Hat - $24.50
In case you didn't already know it, I'm a hard core hockey mom. I even own a cowbell AND wineskin. Although to be fair, they were both gifts from other hockey parents. I think it's very sweet when people buy you such personalized gifts. If I didn't already own five hats, this HAT TRICK hat would definitely be on my noggin today. I accosted a woman in Starbucks to find out where she got it. I do that for great finds. Luckily it's from Indigo, but out of stock online. You can still check their website for in-store availability. I would be super happy if this magically appeared under my tree this year, and if my front door is locked - just stuff it in the mailbox. ;)
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Sooo Cold Mittens - $24.50 (For those super cold arenas that never put the heat on...yes, I'm talking about you Scarborough Gardens).