Finding Extraordinary
I read a book this summer (actually I read twelve, but I'm not going to brag about that) that I think has really shifted my perception about who I am, what I want out of my life, and how I'm going to get it. Find Your Extraordinary by Jessica DiLullo Herrin has made me think about the true meaning of happiness...on my own terms. I've been a stay at home mother for thirteen years (full time) and two years part time before that. But when your children get to a certain age...let's say thirteen and ten for arguments sake, and you're still at home prepping breakfast, hosting friends for lunches and organizing school functions, you might have a moment where you think "is this really all there is?" I had that moment a few years ago. So for the past few years...while continuing my stay at home mom gig (which btw I entered into with all of my heart and have loved every moment of) I've been pondering the future here and there (between lunches and hockey games of course). But this summer while on Glimmer hiatus, I realized that the future is here, it's now...the future is today. It's time to decided where I go from here. The time has come for me to find my extraordinary.
Let me back up for just a moment to why I even picked up Find Your Extraordinary. Several years ago I started working as a Stylist for a line of mid-range jewellery and accessories called Stella & Dot. I saw a necklace in People Magazine that I liked, so I looked it up online and it brought me to the Stella & Dot website. I took a gander through and loved so many of the pieces. Then I realized that Stella & Dot was a social selling company. Not only could I own these fab pieces, I could sell them too. If there's one thing I know I can's sell. Not necessarily the greatest gift bestowed upon one...but hey, it's what I have, so why not use it? I consulted with a friend who knew a "Stylist" and hooked myself up. After a couple of years of selling and about fifteen thousand in earnings (pennies at the end of the day) I realized that I wasn't cut out for the social selling model. I wasn't interested in building a team. But what intrigued me most about this company was the amazing training provided to the stylists. Groups of women together supporting each other, a tribe. I loved it. Clearly this tribe had an extraordinary leader. I love the whole idea that I was part of something big, and I still miss that today. So when the CEO of the company Jessica Herrin came out with a book, I knew I had to get my hands on it. I read it in about three days and realized something very quickly. Being extraordinary doesn't mean that you have to be the CEO of a company, it doesn't even mean the you have to have a job outside the home. It means doing your best at whatever it is you choose to do. You know that famous "a-ha" moment Oprah talks about? I had one, and I realized I have been doing my extraordinary for the the past fifteen years...being a stay at home mother and managing my household - that was my extraordinary. But alas as time has continued to move past me, I'm ready for my new extraordinary. The kids have grown and house manages itself pretty well. It's time for Vicki Version 3. (1 was my career, 2 was stay at home get the picture, right?)
I know what I want to do, but I've been fumbling with how to get there. My brother-in-law eloquently put it to me this way this summer " seem to be having a failure to re-launch." So simply put, yet so accurate. So after reading Jessica's book, I've started down a course to do what it is I really want to do. Jessica's advice is so simple...if you want something - go get it! Take a course, attend a seminar, read books on the subject, talk to the pro's, and that's where I'm at, doing all of the above - believe it or not, and it feels amazing. The result may not be quick, but at least I'm going in the right direction. All of this while still being at home (exactly where I want to be) when my boys come home to discuss their day. One of the best parts of my new journey is that I have the wholehearted support of those who are closest to me.
All of this self-realization doesn't necessarily mean an end to Glimmer. Too many loyal readers have been asking me to return and for that I'm so very grateful. Glimmer is still in my blood and fashion and beauty are my passion, so I'll keep posting, but posts will be fewer and farther in between. I'll also continue to post to Instagram @glimmerlife when I feel there's something terrific to share. Maybe you'll follow me? I'd love if you did.
Hope you had a fabulous's to fall, a new season and the beginning of something extraordiary!