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Creating Content During A Pandemic

I haven’t posted here since March 6th, three days after and barely recovered from my She Shops Swap event. A mere week later, we went into full shut down mode - it was March 13, the day before I was supposed to leave for my March Break trip to Barbados. I remember thinking to myself during that first week of confusion, disbelief, and even a little bit of panic (NOT over toilet paper); I can’t write anymore. Nothing I say will have any meaning and who am I to try to speak to the the emotions of my audience, when I don’t even know what I’m going through myself? So I didn’t write, and I was very careful with my Instagram as well. I didn’t want anything that I posted to feel trite. But I did want and need to continue posting - I just had to shift the style of the content. Literally overnight it became less about fashion - stores were closed anyway and beauty products took a back seat to line ups for Clorox wipes at the grocery store. All of my upcoming travel had been canceled, so hotel and beach pics were definitely on the back burner for the foreseeable future. So my posts organically became about the delicate balance of the new life we were suddenly thrust into living. It became about what I saw during my daily walks in my little neighbourhood bubble, and how I was personally pivoting and appreciating a slower way to live and the beauty and transformation that comes forth when you actually embrace the new pace.

I’ve struggled to be able to translate that style of content and feeling over to this platform. I think there are things that I could probably begin writing about again as the world around us slowly begins to reopen. But I still want to be sensitive to the fact that we are far from out of the woods with regards to Covid 19. Although as I look down at my nails right now, maybe you are ready for a tip or two on how to do a home manicure or my favourite lotions for hands that have been washed two thousand times a day. So I think I’ll make a gradual reappearance into this arena, and try my best to create content that you might find currently useful and that don’t offend or overstep any of the boundaries that we are living within right now. By all means, if there is something you would like me to write about - please don’t hesitate to contact me (sheshopsswap@gmail.com) or leave a comment below, as always I love hearing from you!

In between perfecting my pico de gallo and endless rounds of Uno, I’m going to start work on creating a new website for She Shops Swap. I remain very optimistic that we’ll all be back together one day doing our part to keep fashion sustainable and fun.

It’s my wish that you are happy and healthy and finding your way through these challenging time.

P.S. The above pic is of a house I walk by almost every day. I love the house and I love how the wee rainbow (that looks like a lollipop) on the front lawn had survived all the crazy weather we’ve had over the past ten weeks.