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Last night I went to a book signing with Rachel Hollis, lifestyle blogger, mom, author and all round super cool chick. At one point in her talk she mentioned that she only has a high school diploma, no post secondary education and yet here she is, writing a book and getting it done.  It was one of the first times in my life, since graduating high school that I haven't felt like the 'odd woman in the room' because I didn't go to University. I realized that I can pursue my dreams (even at 48) without that piece of paper. That I am something, someone...without that degree. So in the photo above - I was thanking Rachel for not making me feel so alone. 

Now...go get her new book Girl, Wash Your Face which helps  loosen the chains from the lies we tell ourselves daily. My daily lie...I can't write a book without a University degree - now I know that's complete bullshit! 

Thanks Rach...ya, I just called her Rach!


                                         Just a couple of besties - hugging it out... ;)

P.S. After publishing this post I received an email...I thought it was worthwhile to repost part of it, because if I can touch one person - really, just one - then it make it all worthwhile. 

"I can totally relate to how you’ve felt over the years. 
I am also in the “didn’t go to university” club.
It’s seems like a very small and silent club.

I have often avoided conversations with people I’ve met and when the; “so where did you go to school?” question came up I am famous for graciously bowing out of the conversation.
Not that it’s anything to be ashamed of; I have done a lot without that piece of paper and am proud of it. Odd how not having a degree can make one feel embarrassed, small and insignificant in certain situations. I have been getting a little less self conscious about it over the years. This is who I am; take it or leave it."