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31 Day Blog Challenge - Day Twenty Four

Day Twenty Four - A Difficult Time In My Life...

There's hardly a day that goes by that I don't encounter something difficult. So to pick just one difficult time in my life seems nearly as impossible as picking just ten favourite songs.  Can I just say my five years of high school (we had grade 13 back then) sucked? No, that seems like a cop out (didn't everyone's?), but screw it, it did!  Five years of an f'ing nightmare. I was a complete freak of nature until about grade twelve when I finally started rounding out. At long last my face decide to grow a little into my giant Polish nose! I no longer had to worry about guys I liked calling me Cyrano. Really...they did! They know who they are, and I still have the apology letters to prove it.  I'll be kind and not call them out - even though they deserve it. By grade 12 I decided to grow out my hair out from the 'Depeche Mode' phase. Short on one side, long on the other. U.G.L.Y.  Granted  the new longer hair was red...but nobody seemed to care about that - at least the boys didn't and they were really all that mattered to me back then. Seemed the Polish girl had a little Irish sass in her giant shoulder pads. Still, I didn't have a date for the prom in either grade twelve or thirteen. I'm still a little sad over that, but have finally let it go.  By the time grade 13 rolled around I was so bitter about not having a date that I marched myself to Price Roman at the corner of Queen West and John Street and bought myself the sassiest linen suit with fringe trim. This girl would not be wearing a taffeta number to her prom. Still...nobody seemed to notice.  It was hard back then - in the 80's. I was trying to carve out a life for myself where one didn't exist.  I wanted to be smart, sassy and sexy, but the reality was I just an awkward teenager. Maybe we were all just awkward teenagers, but couldn't get out heads out of our own narcissistic asses to realize it at the time.  


Til tomorrow...when I get to talk about what I think my best features are. You can bet it won't be my nose!
