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Dear Glimmer...

I received this emergency letter while in Maui last week! :)

Dear Glimmer,

Forgive me for kinda stalking you while on vacay Ms. Glimmer, but I need a recommendation for a cut and colour STAT...I need to start covering the grey!!!

Grey Roots Stalker

Dear Grey Roots,

I'm here for you...even though I was on a Whale Watching excursion in the middle of the Pacific when I received this, your second frantic email.

This is an amazing question, because as we enter our 40's (hopefully not sooner - but it happens) we start noticing the first rogue grey hair's. Sometimes it's just one pokey little fellow...but soon it's followed by the endless stream of it's brothers. A sad day indeed.  To answer this question fully I consulted with Master Stylist/Colourist Kryssy at Perri & Palmacci Hair Company on Bayview Avenue in Toronto.  Kryssy told me that "if you have grey coming in you should consider having it professionally covered, because the hair is coarser and more resistant to colour.  Colouring your hair is a big commitment if you've never done it before (don't I know it) and you need to seriously consider your maintenance schedule and what kind of upkeep you're willing to commit to. If you're not willing to maintain the colour every six weeks, then highlights and lowlights might be a better option. The grey will still be there but blended into the hair."

Voila...Kryssy can be reached at P&P Hair Company - 1656 Bayview Ave. Toronto. 416-484-4111. Full disclosure, Kryssy keeps me beautifully in blonde every six weeks or so! :)

